React : Day 11
Explore how to send server requests with fetch, build custom hooks for data fetching, and handle form submissions using useState, useRef, or the FormData API.
Explore how to send server requests with fetch, build custom hooks for data fetching, and handle form submissions using useState, useRef, or the FormData API.
Learn how to optimize React applications using memo for component memoization, useCallback for function memoization, and useMemo for value memoization.
Learn how to use the useEffect hook in React for performing side effects in functional components.
Learn about prop drilling and how to use the Context API in React to manage and share state effectively.
Learn about useRef hook, ref forwarding, useImperativeHandle and Portals in React for DOM manipulation and component interactions.
Learn various methods to style React components including inline styles, external styles, dynamic styles, and CSS modules.
Learn how to debug React applications using console.log, Strict Mode, and React Developer Tools.
A comprehensive guide covering React’s advanced concepts including Fragments, JSX Props, Component Isolation, and proper state management patterns
A detailed guide to help you understand and use hooks in React effectively.
A detailed reference guide to help you quickly set up and manage React projects, components, and folder structures.